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Squatina (Squatinidae)

Sometimes referred to as "Monkfish," Angelsharks are often mistaken for a skate or ray, but a deeper look at the pectoral fins reveals the contrast. In skates and rays, the pectoral fins are always attached to their head. In Angel sharks and other flat sharks, that is never the case.

Angelsharks are Ambush Predators, meaning they hunt by sitting stationary and capturing their prey with their stealth.

Angelsharks Graphic
Angel Shark Clickable
© LuisMiguel - Stock.Adobe.Com
Australian Angelshark Clickable Image
Nick Long - Angel Shark CC BY-SA 2.0 File:Squatina australis.jpg Created: 19 December 2008
Japanese Angelshark Clickable
© Martin - Stock.Adobe.Com
Pacific Angelshark Clickable
© Priya - Stock.Adobe.Com
Angel Sharks Clickable
Angelsharks Info:

Average Length – 5ft

An Angelshark’s body is broad and flattened, their posterior part is more muscular which is more typical of other sharks.

They have extensible jaws that can rapidly snap upward to capture their prey.

They have long needle like teeth.

They appear worldwide in tropical seas.
Most types of Angelsharks like shallow temperate waters ranging from as shallow as 10ft to  around 300 ft with sandy seabeds.

They don’t travel and tend to inhabit small areas due to their Ambush Predatory nature.

Small fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and cephalopods.

They are ambush predators that maintain a bottom-dwelling habitat.

They tend to bury themselves in sand or mud to hide themselves from prey during the day.
They have been known to remain hidden for as long as a few weeks in order to catch prey.

They are nocturnal; becoming active and patrolling the bottom of the seafloor at night.

There are currently 24 recognized species of Angelshark.

Many species are considered “critically endangered” due to over fishing.

Britannica contains some more great info on these unique Sharks!