Carpet Sharks Info:
They are very diverse in weight, appearance, and size.
The largest is the Whale Shark, growing up to 46ft.
The smallest is the Barbelthroat Carpetshark measuring 12in.
Barbels (tactile sensory organs) are a common feature of this Order.
They can be found all around the world and will mostly congregate in tropical and temperate waters.
Most commonly found in the Western Indo-Pacific and Australia regions.
Most species eat Crustaceans, Mollusks and other Small Seabed-Roaming Creatures.
Most feed off of the sea floor ,while some feed from Medium-Depth Waters.
These Sharks are not dangerous to humans, although they may try to protect themselves if harmed.
They get the name “Carpet Shark” due to the fact that most of their skin pattern resembles ornately patterned carpets.
There are around 40 species of Carpet Sharks.
Click this link for an overview of the Order as well as the full list of it’s species.