Dogfish Sharks have a wide range of sizes from the 1.5ft Cookiecutter Shark to the Greenland Shark that can reach lengths of up to 24ft.
Though there are many differences between the species, they do have some similarities. Most have two dorsal fins with a sharp head but vary in form and size.
They can be found within both saltwater and brackish waters worldwide from northern to tropical waters and can be found primarily in the open ocean or occasionally in coastal waters.

Dogfish Sharks Info:
There is a wide range of sizes from the 1.5ft Cookiecutter Shark to the Greenland Shark that can reach lengths of up to 24ft
They have two dorsal fins with a sharp head but vary in form and size.
Found worldwide from northern to tropical waters and can be found primarily in the open ocean or occasionally in coastal waters.
The Benthic Species will primarily eat Small Fish, Cephalopods, and Crustaceans. The deeper sea ones will typically eat Squid, Octopus, and Shrimp.
*Varies drastically from species to species.
There are about 126 species in 7 families.
A handful of them are bioluminescent.
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