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Ground Sharks


Ground Sharks are characterized by the presence of a nictitating membrane over the eye (a whitish or translucent membrane that forms an inner eyelid), two dorsal fins, an anal fin, and five gill slits.

They are the largest order of Sharks with over 270 species across 8 different families.


Catsharks and Ground Sharks Clickable
© dottedyeti - Stock.Adobe.Com
Leopard Shark (Houndsharks) Clickable
By Mfield, Matthew Field, - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Ground Sharks Info:

Ground Sharks have a wide range of size – ranging from 18in to 20 ft

They are characterized by the presence of a nictitating membrane over the eye (a whitish or translucent membrane that forms an inner eyelid), two dorsal fins, an anal fin, and five gill slits.

Found worldwide in tropical and temperate waters, from coastal regions to continental slopes.

They eat bony fish, squid, other sharks, invertebrates, sea turtles, cephalopods, crustaceans, carrion and sea birds.

They have a wide range of behaviors specific to different families. They can be sluggish, bottom dwellers(catsharks) or swift swimming and more active(blue and whitetip sharks.)

There are 8 families of ground sharks containing over 270 different species.

They are the largest order of sharks.

Wiki contains a link of all the species and families of Ground Sharks.